'You already are her': my friend killed my 2024 goals with four words

highest self moments of awe spirituality stop staying small Feb 02, 2024

Today I was telling a friend about my plans for 2024. How I want to go FULL BREE on the world, sprinkle fairy dust, wear my tutu and Reeboks, curl my hair and just basically f*ck shit up in whichever way I can (which in spiritual speak means turning up as my highest self in all aspects of my life).

“I’ve been called,” I told my friend.

“I’ve been tapped on the shoulder by the universe – kind of like the way Catholic priests say they get tapped on the shoulder by God.

“I have this deep need to be a spiritual leader — but one that delivers sermons while eating a bucket of KFC and accompanied by a choir singing Beyonce. That sort of thing.”

“Oh,” she said in a way that sounded, well … disappointed.

“But you already DO that, in a way.”

If I’d have been eating KFC at that moment I would have choked on it.

Yes. OMG yes. It was like she’d given me an uppercut. She was SO RIGHT.

I’m ALREADY DOING the work I was put here to do (and I feel deeply called to do). I’ve been doing it in some form MY WHOLE LIFE. In big ways and small.

I already AM the woman I want to be.

So what’s different about this year? I’m letting her be fully seen. Like balls to the wall seen. 

Cause I want to know WHAT HAPPENS when someone does that. What does it do to their relationships? What does it do to their anxiety and/or depression? How does it feel to be FULLY SEEN?! To bring your best self to every single aspect of your life?

We spend so much time and energy hiding who we really ARE. So much energy keeping ourselves small, not taking risks, fighting those parts that just want to see the light of day. For like a split second. And what if those split seconds became actual seconds and then minutes? Until eventually you can be your highest self and bring the biggest loudest version of you to everything you do?

I’m ready to undertake that experiment. I want to light the way.

So I’m going full Bree. She’s already in there. Just watch what happens when I let her out.

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